
15.06.2018 12:16

USDA slashed its 2018/19 soybean crop forecast for Ukraine

15.06.2018 12:16

In the June report, USDA left unchanged its 2017/18 oilseed crop estimates for the Black Sea countries. So, the Black Sea region is predicted to produce a total 39.6 MMT of oilseeds in MY 2017/18.

13.06.2018 10:13

Drought decreasing Ukraine’s barley and wheat production potential

13.06.2018 10:13

Spring planting in Ukraine is drawing to an end. Smaller-than-projected areas have been planted to almost all cereals, both major and niche ones.

11.06.2018 09:00

Ukraine continues to import buckwheat at a fast pace

11.06.2018 09:00
A substantial rise in buckwheat imports to Ukraine is observed this year. Ukrainian companies brought to the country over 15.1 KMT of buckwheat in July-April 2017/18 that is already 94% more than in the whole of MY 2016/17 (7.8 KMT). The lion’s share of this buckwheat (68%, or 10.2 KMT) came from Russia, while the rest was imported from Kazakhstan.
06.06.2018 09:00

Corn and sunflower planting has almost completed

06.06.2018 09:00

Ukrainian farmers had sown 2360 Th ha of early spring cereals and pulses by May 29 (96% of their projected area) against 2317 Th ha by May 29, 2017. The gap in sowing from last year is minimum.

04.06.2018 12:35

Copa and Cogeca step up pressure on EU biofuel plans

04.06.2018 12:35

Ahead of talks between the EU institutions on the EU’s renewable energy Directive, Copa and Cogeca sent a joint letter today urging the EU to follow the Council’s general approach to have true targets for renewable energy sources to decarbonise the transport sector. Copa and Cogeca believe that the EU should have a a binding blending obligation on fuel suppliers of at least 14%, without technological restrictions.

04.06.2018 09:00

ASTARTA completed the spring sowing campaign

04.06.2018 09:00

ASTARTA’s farm units have successfully finished the sowing of spring crops. The total crop area sown in spring is about 170 thousand hectares, including 41 thousand hectares of sugar beet, 41 thousand hectares of sunflower, 67 thousand hectares of corn, 20 thousand hectares of soybean, and the rest under other crops (barley, oats, buckwheat, etc.).

31.05.2018 09:00

Rainfalls in Ukraine partially replenished soil moisture

31.05.2018 09:00
Downpours were seen all over Ukraine during most of the May 11-20 period. Kharkiv region received largely 22-25 mm of precipitation, or 140-180% of normal for this time. Its rates reached 31-34 mm in some northern and northwestern areas (225-240% of normal). At the same time, at most 7-11 mm was registered in the east and south of the region during the reviewed ten days (45-70% of normal).
30.05.2018 09:00

European Union doubled wheat bran imports from Ukraine

30.05.2018 09:00

Along with growth in flour exports, wheat bran shipments from Ukraine keep expanding too, despite a decline in the commodity’s production in the country.

28.05.2018 09:00

Farmers have already planted 5.5 Ml ha of sunseed

28.05.2018 09:00
It was mostly moderately warm but somewhat cooler than usual after May 10. The average daily air temperatures were 1.5-4.5°С below normal, being close to normal towards May 18, within 12.0-18.0°С. The highest air temperatures were registered at +26-28°С (May 17), while the ground surface heated to +46-53°С. The lowest temperatures were at +6-8°С (May 12).
21.05.2018 09:00

Ukraine parliament passes initial bill for the eventual ban of palm oil within the country

21.05.2018 09:00

The Ukraine parliament, Verkhovna Rada, has this week passed Bill No. 3871 at first reading to amend various Ukraine laws in a move that will ban the use of palm oil for food production.

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