News From Agro-Industrial Complex

15.12.2009 17:45

Ukraine to reverse beet slump as sugar price bites

15.12.2009 17:45

Ukraine is to attempt to reverse a long-running fall in sugar beet production which has turned the country into a sugar importer at a time of soaring prices. Kiev is to encourage farmers to raise beet plantings by 37% in 2010, to help boost domestic sugar output by some 80% to 2.5m tonnes, deputy farm minister Ivan Demchak said, according to the Kommersant newspaper.

05.12.2009 12:58

Ukraine 2010 Rapeseed Harvest Seen Up 20% On Year

05.12.2009 12:58

Ukraine rapeseed harvest in 2010 is likely to increase by 20% compared with this year to 2.25 million metric tons, leading Ukrainian agricultural analyst APKInform said Friday.

02.12.2009 12:27

Ukraine: Crimea sowed winter crops throughout 92% of planned areas

02.12.2009 12:27

As of November 25, the Crimea sowed winter crops throughout the area of 610 thsd ha, or 92% from the planned areas.

02.12.2009 12:20

Ukraine harvested 47.8 mln tonnes of grains

02.12.2009 12:20

As of November 30, Ukraine harvested 47.8 mln tonnes of grains, a decrease of 12.2% compared to the same date of 2008, declared the Ministry of Agrarian Policy.

02.12.2009 11:59

Ukraine exported 11.3 mln tonnes of grains

02.12.2009 11:59

From the beginning of the current MY (July 2009 – June 2010), and as of November 30, 2010, Ukraine exported 11.3 mln tonnes of grains, an increase of 7% compared to the same date of 2008, declared the Ministry of Agrarian Policy.

30.11.2009 16:10

Ukraine: Crimea increased volumes of agricultural production by 6%

30.11.2009 16:10

During January-October of 2009, the volumes of agriculture products output (in comparable prices) in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Ukraine) in agricultural economies of all varieties increased by 6% compared to the same period of 2008, at the same time, agricultural enterprises reduced the index by 1.4%, economies of the population – increased by 14%, declared the Main department of statistics of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

25.11.2009 17:59

Ukraine: as of the beginning of November, Crimea harvested 1.72 mln tonnes of grains

25.11.2009 17:59

As of November 2, 2009, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Ukraine) harvested 1.72 thsd tonnes of grains in bunker weight, a decrease of 3.6% compared to the same date of the previous year, declared the Main department of statistics of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

24.11.2009 15:08

Ukraine exported 10.4 mln tonnes of grains from the beginning of 2009/10 MY

24.11.2009 15:08

From the beginning of the current marketing year (MY, July 2009 – June 2010), and as of November 19, 2009, Ukraine exported 10.4 mln tonnes of grains, an increase of 4.5% compared to the same date of 2008, declared the Ministry of Agrarian Policy.

24.11.2009 09:43

Ukraine: Winter Grains Improving

24.11.2009 09:43

Ukraine’s agriculture ministry reported Monday that winter grains were in good condition on 39.8% of the total winter grain-planted area for the 2010 harvest, with winter grains in satisfactory condition on 43.5% of the total planted area and winter grains in poor condition on 16.7% of the total planted area.

20.11.2009 19:31

Ukraine Harvests 47.09M Tons Grain To Nov 19

20.11.2009 19:31

Ukraine harvested 47.09 million metric tons of grain to Nov. 19 on 15.22 million hectares, or just over 98% of the total area to be harvested, with an average yield of 3.09 tons a hectare, the agriculture ministry said Friday.

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