
11.10.2016 09:33

Land Moratorium is Prolonged.Victory or Treason?

11.10.2016 09:33

The prolonging of the moratorium on sale of the agricultural land for one more year alone does not solve the problem of the Ukrainian farmers. Actually, it will just mean the extension of "convulsions". This is the conclusion of the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation lawyers.

05.10.2016 12:31

Ukraine harvested over 45 mln tonnes of grains

05.10.2016 12:31

As of October 4, Ukrainian agrarians harvested 45.08 mln tonnes of grains throughout the areas of 11.149 mln ha, or 78% of the plan. The average yield totaled 4.04 t/ha, reported the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine. At the same time, on the same date last year the production volumes reached 43.5 mln tonnes.

01.09.2016 10:54

Russia has to double soybean production volumes

01.09.2016 10:54

he Ministry of Agriculture of Russia plans to double soybean production volumes in the country, declared the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Alexander Tkachev on August 31. According to him, increasing of the domestic production of the oilseed would break the dependence on imports of low-quality soybeans, including genetically modified oilseed, as well as allow increasing the export potential.

23.08.2016 11:01

Annually flour exports increased by 30-35%

23.08.2016 11:01

Ukrainian flour exports will grow annually by 30-35%, forecasted the Chairman of the Board of Directors the agricultural holding KSG Agro, Sergiy Kasianov on August 23. According to him, high demand for wheat flour from foreign buyers forms the growth of the export volumes. Milling enterpises of KSG Agro do not have any alternative to find access to export markets, as the domestic consumption of flour continues gradually reducing. In fact, the exports of flour helps the industry to survive, said S.Kasianov.

19.08.2016 14:45

Ukraine decreased production of buckwheat groats

19.08.2016 14:45

According to the State Statistics Service, in 2015 Ukraine produced slightly more than 347 thsd tonnes of groats, a decrease of 1% compared with the indicator of 2014 (350 thsd tonnes). At the same time, some segments demonstrated significant decline of production volumes. Thus, in 2015 the production volumes of buckwheat groats decreased by 25%, and totaled 68.3 thsd tonnes, against 90.9 thsd tonnes in the previous year.

25.07.2016 11:23

Ukraine increased wheat qualitative indices

25.07.2016 11:23

The ratio between milling wheat and feed wheat in the grain production structure for the harvest-2016 in Ukraine is estimated at 55% and 45% respectively, which exceeds the similar indices of 2015, declared the State Enterprise State Research and Information Center for Monitoring International Commodity Markets (Derzhzovnishinform).

18.07.2016 11:33

Agricultural commodities production decreased

18.07.2016 11:33

In January-June of 2016, the production volumes of agricultural commodities in Ukraine decreased by 0.3% compared with the same period in 2015 at the expense of fall of production of animal husbandry commodities, announced the State Statistics Service of Ukraine on July 15.

12.07.2016 14:20

Ministry of Agrarian Policy signed the memorandum with exporters

12.07.2016 14:20

On July 12, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine signed the Memorandum of understanding with market participants - companies-exporters of grains for 2016/17 MY, declared the press-service of the Ministry.

11.07.2016 09:01

Formation of IT-innovative ecosystem in agricultural sector of Ukraine

11.07.2016 09:01

July 8th, 2016 Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation carried out the roundtable within the framework of All-Ukrainian project contest Agro Challenge. The event was devoted to IT innovations in agricultural sector.  The representatives of  public and international organizations (UAC, UCC, FAO, U.S.-Ukraine Business Council), agricultural holdings (Ukrlandfarming, Astrata Ukraine, Kernel Trade) and  IT companies (Intel, Ciklum, UA Technology, Skyline Software,  USP),

01.07.2016 17:13

Ukraine harvested over 1 mln tonnes of grains

01.07.2016 17:13

As of June 30, agrarians harvested 1.184 mln tonnes of grains and pulses throughout the areas of 332 thsd ha, or 4% of the plan. The average yield totaled 3.57 t/ha. At the same time, on the same date in 2015 agrarians harvested 574 thsd tonnes of grains throughout 188 thsd ha, with the yield of 3.05 t/ha, reported the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

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