
19.05.2023 11:34

Ukrainian agricultural companies receive licences for demining land for cultivation

19.05.2023 11:34

Ukrainian agricultural companies receive licences for demining land for growing products. General Director of the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation, Pavlo Koval, announced this on May 12 during a briefing at the Ukraine Media Center Odesa.

19.05.2023 08:29

Global wheat prices fall as Black Sea grain deal gets 2-month extension

19.05.2023 08:29

Global wheat prices fell Thursday after Ukraine and Russia agreed to extend a deal allowing grain to be exported from Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea.

17.05.2023 14:19

Grain manipulation: the expert told how Moscow earns from idle ships with food

17.05.2023 14:19

The specialist told about the tricks with the passage of ships under oil and selective inspection of Russians.

Moscow earns from idle ships with Ukrainian products in the Bosphorus. General Director of the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation Pavlo Koval told about this at a briefing at the Ukraine Media Center Odesa.

17.05.2023 12:33

From agriculture to green energy: which sectors of the Ukrainian economy Korean businesses want to invest in

17.05.2023 12:33

The issues of involving South Korean companies in the reconstruction of Ukraine, investment prospects and transformation of the Ukrainian economy in the context of the country's recovery were discussed by the First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yuliia Svyrydenko with representatives of South Korean business circles during the round table "Korea-Ukraine Partnership for the Future" held in Seoul on May 16 under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Korea.

17.05.2023 10:26

EU intends to create two registers of Russia's crimes in Ukraine: economic and military

17.05.2023 10:26

The main goal of the Council of Europe summit will be to develop legislative and legal mechanisms to bring Russia to justice.

Leaders of 46 countries who gathered on Tuesday for a two-day summit of the Council of Europe intend to create a system that will make it possible to hold Russia accountable for war crimes and destruction in Ukraine. At the meeting in Reykjavik, the participants want to formulate the basic principles of two respective registers. This was reported by the Associated Press.

17.05.2023 09:30

This year, Ukraine can sow the largest area of spring wheat in the last 12 years

17.05.2023 09:30

In Ukraine, the area of spring wheat sowing has increased. According to preliminary data from the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, as of mid-May, 247,000 hectares of crops have already been sown in the country. It is predicted that this indicator will reach 285 thousand ha.

15.05.2023 08:50

More than 10 EU countries call on the EC to explain the suspension of Ukrainian grain imports for five EU countries

15.05.2023 08:50

After 5 EU member states (Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria) had requested an extension of the ban on the import of Ukrainian grain until the end of 2023, the other 12 member states appealed to the European Commission with their appeal, in which they indicate their displeasure in this situation and require explanations.

11.05.2023 14:18

Moldova has changed its mind to limit the import of agricultural products from Ukraine

11.05.2023 14:18

The Republic of Moldova currently does not intend to introduce restrictions on the import of grain and oil crops from Ukraine.

The Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Moldova Vladimir Bolea stated this on national television on Wednesday, the portal reports.

11.05.2023 10:40

European grain restrictions are "absolutely unacceptable," Zelenskyy says

11.05.2023 10:40

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, calls on neighbouring countries and the states of the European Union to refrain from any decisions regarding trade with Ukraine without consulting it.

10.05.2023 16:40

Global Report on Food Crises: Number of people facing acute food insecurity rose to 258 million in 58 countries in 2022

10.05.2023 16:40

The number of people experiencing acute food insecurity and requiring urgent food, nutrition and livelihood assistance increased for the fourth consecutive year in 2022, with over a quarter of a billion facing acute hunger and people in seven countries on the brink of starvation, according to the latest Global Report on Food Crises (GRFC).

The annual report, produced by the Food Security Information Network (FSIN), was launched by the Global Network Against Food Crises (GNAFC) - an international alliance of the United Nations, the European Union, governmental and non-governmental agencies, working to tackle food crises together.

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