UAC News

30.05.2018 09:00

European Union doubled wheat bran imports from Ukraine

30.05.2018 09:00

Along with growth in flour exports, wheat bran shipments from Ukraine keep expanding too, despite a decline in the commodity’s production in the country.

28.05.2018 09:00

Farmers have already planted 5.5 Ml ha of sunseed

28.05.2018 09:00
It was mostly moderately warm but somewhat cooler than usual after May 10. The average daily air temperatures were 1.5-4.5°С below normal, being close to normal towards May 18, within 12.0-18.0°С. The highest air temperatures were registered at +26-28°С (May 17), while the ground surface heated to +46-53°С. The lowest temperatures were at +6-8°С (May 12).
21.05.2018 09:00

Ukraine parliament passes initial bill for the eventual ban of palm oil within the country

21.05.2018 09:00

The Ukraine parliament, Verkhovna Rada, has this week passed Bill No. 3871 at first reading to amend various Ukraine laws in a move that will ban the use of palm oil for food production.

18.05.2018 10:00

Sunoil production decreased 10%, while rapeseed oil production rose 23%

18.05.2018 10:00

Sunflower oil. This season’s pace of sunoil production in Ukraine is somewhat slower than a year ago. So, large and medium-sized crushers produced 417.1 KMT of sunoil in March 2018, i.e. 2.5% less than in the previous month (427.8 KMT) and down 19.3% from March 2017 (516.9 KMT).

16.05.2018 09:00

Ukrainian winter cereals in fair condition

16.05.2018 09:00
Hot, dry weather persisted on May 1-10. It was only at the end of this period that precipitation of various intensities occurred almost all over the country. The average daily air temperature was 1.5-8.40С above normal. Precipitation in the form of rain, locally downpours with hail, occurred in the northern, western, and central regions. It was also seen in spots in the south and east, but its rates were insignificant there (0.8-4 mm).


14.05.2018 09:00

Ukraine to join logistics corridor between Europe and Asia through new port of Turkmenbashi

14.05.2018 09:00
Opening of a new Turkmenbashi seaport in Turkmenistan gives Ukraine opportunity to join an alternative corridor for cargo deliveries between Europe and the Persian Gulf countries, India and China in the logistics chain: Black Sea ports - Georgia - Azerbaijan – Turkmenistan.
10.05.2018 10:00

Ukraine’s barley crop to fall to a five-year low

10.05.2018 10:00

Spring barley planting in Ukraine is drawing to an end, and the forecasts about its shortfall are coming true.

07.05.2018 10:11

Oilseeds export market remained unchanged last week

07.05.2018 10:11

Last week the domestic market of sunseed and soybeans followed an upward trend again. It looks quite predictable in view of aggravating competition among buyers and the desire of growers to get as high profit as possible, reports UkrAgroConsult.

03.05.2018 16:43

Ukraine sunflower planting overtakes 2017, corn slips back

03.05.2018 16:43
Ukrainian spring sowing maintained its strong pace over the weekend as farmers added an additional 800,000 hectares of sunflower plantings since Friday to push total planted area ahead of the same time last year, data from the Ukrainian agriculture ministry showed Wednesday.
18.04.2018 17:22

The XV International Conference "Black Sea Grain" has gathered more than 700 delegates from 50 countries of the world

18.04.2018 17:22

Today the 15th Anniversary International Conference "Black Sea Grain: Moving Up the Value Chain" have started its work in Kyiv. This leading conference of the grain sector of Ukraine and the Black Sea region, organized by the UkrAgroConsult, has gathered more than 700 delegates from 50 countries of the world.

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