UAC News

14.06.2023 08:30


14.06.2023 08:30

The region was one of the five regions of Ukraine in terms of agricultural land. This was stated by Pavlo Koval, general director of the Ukrainian agrarian confederation, at a briefing at the Media Center Ukraine – Odesa.

06.06.2023 11:32

The Russian Federation committed at least 2 large-scale terrorist attacks in a day (Updated)

06.06.2023 11:32

First, on the evening of June 5, Russia damaged an ammonia pipeline in Kharkiv Oblast.

This was reported by the head of the Kharkiv Regional Civil-Military Administration, Oleh Synyehubov.

19.05.2023 11:34

Ukrainian agricultural companies receive licences for demining land for cultivation

19.05.2023 11:34

Ukrainian agricultural companies receive licences for demining land for growing products. General Director of the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation, Pavlo Koval, announced this on May 12 during a briefing at the Ukraine Media Center Odesa.

17.05.2023 14:19

Grain manipulation: the expert told how Moscow earns from idle ships with food

17.05.2023 14:19

The specialist told about the tricks with the passage of ships under oil and selective inspection of Russians.

Moscow earns from idle ships with Ukrainian products in the Bosphorus. General Director of the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation Pavlo Koval told about this at a briefing at the Ukraine Media Center Odesa.

05.05.2023 11:14

Ukraine hopes to export its cereal to the EU by the next harvest

05.05.2023 11:14

Ukraine hopes to sell stockpiled grain across its border with the European Union (EU) after agricultural exports fell by a third in April and before the start of the new harvest, while the route from Black Sea ports remains blocked by Russia.

The volume of grain exports from Ukraine decreased from 6.7 million tons in March to 5.3 million tons in April, the State Customs Service reports.

20.04.2023 08:30

Ukrainian agrarians call on their European colleagues to remove strict unilateral trade restrictions and jointly find a compromise solution

20.04.2023 08:30

This is stated in the joint appeal of the leading public associations of the agri-food sector of Ukraine. The agricultural community is extremely concerned about the situation with the unilateral ban on the import of Ukrainian food to certain EU countries.

We are talking about the decision of the Governments of Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Bulgaria to ban the import of agricultural products from Ukraine. These decisions also provoke certain similar actions of other EU countries that are neighbours of Ukraine. In particular, there are currently ongoing discussions in Romania.

19.04.2023 15:50

The ban on the import of Ukrainian agricultural products may affect the sowing campaign, - Pavlo Koval

19.04.2023 15:50

The UN-backed grain corridor is the main exit route for Ukrainian agricultural exports, so the decision by Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Bulgaria to block them too will cause considerable damage to Ukrainian farmers and a sector hard hit by the war.

Kyiv's hope is that a negotiated solution will be found on a multilateral scale between Ukraine, the national governments involved and the European Commission (EC), whose decision to lift tariffs on its products triggered a reaction from the four eastern countries.

06.04.2023 14:36

Astarta starts 2023 planting season

06.04.2023 14:36

Astarta’s agricultural subsidiaries started the 2023 planting season. Farmers in the Poltava region were the first to begin sowing sugar beet.

24.03.2023 15:50

Astarta is one of the key food suppliers for the UN World Food Programme in Ukraine

24.03.2023 15:50

After a year of cooperation with the UN World Food Programme (UN WFP), Astarta has become one of its key food suppliers for humanitarian purposes in Ukraine.

01.03.2023 11:45

Ukrainian pavilion opened at the Gulfood international agro-industrial exhibition in Dubai (UAE)

01.03.2023 11:45

Last week, the Ukrainian pavilion opened in the UAE at the Gulfood 2023 international agro-industrial exhibition.

The Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation became one of the partners who helped Ukrainian business to participate in this exhibition.

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