20.04.2023 08:30

Ukrainian agrarians call on their European colleagues to remove strict unilateral trade restrictions and jointly find a compromise solution

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20.04.2023 08:30

This is stated in the joint appeal of the leading public associations of the agri-food sector of Ukraine. The agricultural community is extremely concerned about the situation with the unilateral ban on the import of Ukrainian food to certain EU countries.

We are talking about the decision of the Governments of Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Bulgaria to ban the import of agricultural products from Ukraine. These decisions also provoke certain similar actions of other EU countries that are neighbours of Ukraine. In particular, there are currently ongoing discussions in Romania.

"The introduction of restrictive trade measures by EU countries contradicts many international agreements, including WTO trade rules, EU rules on the common market, and the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, and also undermines the postulates of Solidarity Lanes introduced by the EU", the appeal emphasizes.

Indeed, during the war, the volume of exports to the EU neighbouring countries of Ukraine increased significantly (especially given the unstable operation of the "grain corridor") and this has a particular impact on their market, in particular, it helps to curb food inflation. Nevertheless, the lion's share of production goes in transit to other countries, and this is the main interest of the Ukrainian agricultural sector.

At the same time, the consistency and predictability of the trade policy are essential because, before the full-scale invasion, Ukraine established mutually beneficial cooperation with the EU countries regarding trade in agri-food products. A sudden complete ban on imports harms previously established relationships, contracts and rhythmic supply of certain agricultural products. Such a decision will have negative consequences for other sectors of the economy of the respective countries, as well as for their consumers.

The authors of the appeal are convinced that the introduction of unilateral bans on import and transit will create additional pressure not only on Ukrainian farmers, but will also lead to a deepening of the global food security crisis. Any speculations on the introduction of a ban on the transit of Ukrainian agri-food products are unacceptable, as not only the economic well-being of European farmers depends on them, but also the survival of both Ukrainian farmers and consumers of Ukrainian products around the world.

Considering the complex socio-political situation that has developed in neighbouring EU countries, the agricultural community of Ukraine calls on our European colleagues to open dialogue with the involvement of representatives of European institutions to find compromise solutions that do not conflict with EU rules and regulations.

At the same time, agricultural associations appeal to the representatives of the European Commission to facilitate the removal of strict restrictions on trade between the eastern EU countries and Ukraine.


The full text of the appeal is available in the attachment (p. 1-4 - UKR, p. 5-8 - ENG).



Open appeal_NGO_EU.pdf251.83 KB

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