
20.10.2017 15:52

Ukraine threshes almost 48 mln tonnes of grain and leguminous crops

20.10.2017 15:52

Ukraine as of October 20 had threshed 47.8 million tonnes of grain and leguminous crops from 12.1 million ha, according to a posting on the website of the Agricultural Policy and Food Ministry of Ukraine.

09.10.2017 16:32

Ukraine increased linseed exports by 58%

09.10.2017 16:32
Linseed exports from Ukraine totaled 3.6 KMT in August 2016/17 that is up more than 2.5 times from July (1.4 KMT) and up 44% from August 2016 (2.5 KMT). Due to the upward trend seen in the latter half of the season, linseed exports for the whole season hit a record 63 KMT, or 57.5% more than last marketing year (40 KMT).

The end markets of Ukrainian linseed were diversified considerably in the 2016/17 season, when its importers numbered 50 countries. In addition, the key buyers stepped up purchases from Ukraine: they absorbed a combined 90% of all the linseed shipped abroad.

03.10.2017 10:02

Accounts of ASTARTA subsidiaries have been unlocked

03.10.2017 10:02

According to the decision of the Kyiv Pechersk district court on September 29 this year, arrest on the accounts of subsidiaries of the company, which were blocked in the proceedings initiated by the General Prosecutor's Office - was removed.

20.09.2017 15:38

Ukraine harvested almost 39 mln tonnes of grain

20.09.2017 15:38

Ukrainian agrarians threshed 38.5 million tonnes of grain and leguminous crops from 10 million hectares (69% of the target) as of September 18, according to the Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry's press service.

13.09.2017 14:15

Ukraine may exit Egypt wheat market over new rules

13.09.2017 14:15

Ukraine might lose its second largest wheat export market, Egypt, due to new wheat import requirements that favour rival Russia, Ukraine's acting agriculture minister Maksym Martyniuk said.

07.09.2017 11:10

ASTARTA begins its 2017/18 sugar production campaign

07.09.2017 11:10

ASTARTA company which is the member of Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation begins its 2017/18 sugar production campaign. Zhdanivsky and Narkevychi sugar plants have started new sugar production campaign. Zhdanivsky sugar plant has already reached its planned production capacity and produced its first batch of sugar compliant with EU standards. The rest six sugar plants of ASTARTA will be launched this month.

30.08.2017 16:19

ASTARTA published interim report for the first siх months of 2017

30.08.2017 16:19

ASTARTA published interim report for the first siх months of 2017

16.08.2017 12:11

NIBULON Proved Its Status of a Leader in Grain Market

16.08.2017 12:11
In 2016/17 MY, NIBULON Group demonstrated one of the best export activity results. The company managed to export more agricultural products only in 2009/10 MY and in 2015/16 MY.
14.08.2017 14:31

In the current MY, Ukraine exported nearly 4 mln tonnes of grains - SSUFSCP

14.08.2017 14:31

Since the beginning of 2017/18 MY, and as of August 10, Ukraine exported 3.947 mln tonnes of grains, reported the phytosanitary security and seed farming control department at the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection (SSUFSCP).

In particular, Ukraine supplied almost 1.6 mln tonnes of wheat on foreign markets, including 0.739 mln tonnes of milling wheat and 0.844 mln tonnes of feed wheat, as well as 1.374 mln tonnes of barley, and 0.949 mln tonnes of corn.

07.08.2017 12:34

Ukraine increases export of agricultural products to EU

07.08.2017 12:34

The export of Ukrainian products to the European countries increased by 31.4% in January-June 2017 or by 663.4 million of dollars in comparison with the same period of time of the previous year and equaled 2.7 billion of dollars. The Deputy of the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Olga Trophimtseva stated such figures as the press service of the ministry reported.

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