
14.02.2023 14:26

Only 9% of almost 1,500 global companies leave Russian market - Podolyak

14.02.2023 14:26

A mere 9% of almost 1,500 global companies have left the Russian market since the full-scale invasion.

That’s according to Mykhailo Podolyak, an advisor to the head of the President's Office, Ukrinform reports.

27.01.2023 09:30

UAС and a number of other agrarian associations are asking the EU to extend the preferential trade conditions until 2024

27.01.2023 09:30

All-Ukrainian public organization "Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation" together with member organizations of the Ukrainian National Agrarian Forum (UNAF) - Ukrainian Agribusiness Club, All-Ukrainian Agrarian Council, Agrarian Union of Ukraine - appeals to the EU Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (EU Food & Farming), EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council and Copa-Cogeca members organizations with a request to extend the preferential trade conditions between Ukraine and the EU at least till the end of 2024.

10.01.2023 14:25

Ukrainian agriculture faces logistical challenges, but remains among the world leaders

10.01.2023 14:25

Ukrainian agriculture faces numerous challenges due to logistical problems, the occupation and mining of a large part of the territory, but remains among the world leaders almost a year after the Russian invasion.

The large-scale consequences of the war for agriculture have become profound and will probably continue for several more years, Pavlo Koval, general director of the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation, tells EFE. The beginning of the war "clipped the wings" of the industry, which had been developing rapidly for the past 5–7 years, with a record 106 million tons harvested in 2021.

01.01.2023 15:00

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

01.01.2023 15:00

Dear colleagues and partners!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family!

17.10.2022 17:45

A Message from Andriy Vadaturskyy, new CEO of NIBULON

17.10.2022 17:45

Dear Partners, Clients, and Friends of NIBULON

NIBULON has rapidly developed in all directions of its multipurpose activities for 30 years. The company’s innovative practices and significant investments in grain transportation infrastructure have contributed significantly to the dramatic expansion of the Ukrainian agricultural sector in recent decades. NIBULON’S highly efficient logistics have connected Ukraine’s farmers with the global food market. As a result of it, Ukraine is renowned as a supplier of high-quality grain and a successful example of the development of modern inland logistics.

23.08.2022 14:25

Today Ukrainians celebrate the Day of the National Flag of Ukraine

23.08.2022 14:25

Our modern flag was officially approved 30 years ago - in January 1992.

However, the history of our flag stretches back to the times of Kyivan Rus' - that is, hundreds of years, if not more than a thousand years.

29.06.2022 16:00

As a result of rocket attack of Mykolayiv the Viterra terminal is damaged

29.06.2022 16:00

The terminal of the Viterra grain trading corporation was damaged as a result of rocket attack on Mykolayiv. Alla Stoyanova, director of the department of agrarian policy of the Odessa Regional State Administration, wrote about this on her Telegram channel on June 27.

25.05.2022 10:00

Western countries accuse Russia of using the food crisis as a weapon

25.05.2022 10:00

More and more world leaders are realizing that the war is affecting not only Ukraine but virtually the entire world, including its global food security.

30.04.2022 09:00

European farmers support Ukraine - Copa-Cogeca statement

30.04.2022 09:00

Copa and Cogeca fully support the European Commission proposal to suspend import duties on all Ukrainian exports to the European Union.

13.04.2022 11:30

Pavlo Koval’s comment to Qatari television: How the war in Ukraine may lead to worldwide food crisis

13.04.2022 11:30

Oil depots and food warehouses are burning in Ukraine.

The range is increasingly shrinking and the shelves of supermarkets empty globally.

The consequences of the Russian war in Ukraine affect not only Ukrainians but also people around the world.

What is the main hindering factor for agrarian business development in Ukraine?:
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