30.11.2009 16:10

Ukraine: Crimea increased volumes of agricultural production by 6%

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30.11.2009 16:10

During January-October of 2009, the volumes of agriculture products output (in comparable prices) in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Ukraine) in agricultural economies of all varieties increased by 6% compared to the same period of 2008, at the same time, agricultural enterprises reduced the index by 1.4%, economies of the population – increased by 14%, declared the Main department of statistics of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

According to the announcement, during ten months, the Crimea increased production volumes of plant growing industry by 8%, including agrarian enterprises – down 3.2%, economies of the population – up 23.8%.

As a reminder, during January-September of 2009, the volumes of agriculture products output in the Crimea increased by 15%, including agricultural enterprises – down 6.1%, economies of the population – up 19%.


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