
10.11.2009 08:15

FO Licht Sees 09-10 World Wheat Output At 666.69M Tons

10.11.2009 08:15

World 2009-10 wheat production is revised up to 666.69 million metric tons, from the October estimate of 663.37 million tons, Germany-based analytical firm F.O. Licht said Monday. This is a 2.6% fall on the year. European Union 2009-10 wheat production was revised up 830,000 tons on the month to 138.48 million tons, said the firm.

10.11.2009 08:05

Ukraine Harvests 46 Mln Tons Grain To Nov 6

10.11.2009 08:05

Ukraine harvested 46 million metric tons of grain to Nov. 6 on 15 million hectares, or 97% of the total area to be harvested, with the average yield of 3.05 tons a hectare, the agriculture ministry said Monday.

06.11.2009 11:36

Ukraine Harvests 45.6 Mln Tons Grain To Nov 4 - Ministry

06.11.2009 11:36

Ukraine harvested 45.6 million metric tons of grain to Nov. 4 on 15 million hectares, or 97% of the total area to be harvested, with the average yield of 3.04 tons a hectare, the agriculture ministry said Thursday.

06.11.2009 11:26

Brazil 09-10 Soy Estimate Between 62.5M-63.6M Tons

06.11.2009 11:26

National Commodities Supply Corp., or Conab, on Thursday estimated Brazil’s 2009-10 record-breaking soy crop at between 62.5 million metric tons and 63.6 million metric tons.

06.11.2009 11:03

Russia to increase import duties for rice

06.11.2009 11:03

The Government of the Russian Federation adopted the resolution dd. November 2, 2009, #881 “About temporally rates of import custom duties for rice and flour-groats rice by-products”, declared the governmental press-cutting service.

05.11.2009 10:43

Ukraine: poor condition of rapeseed sowing

05.11.2009 10:43

Nearly 30% of winter rapeseed seedlings in Ukraine show weak and thinned condition, declared Ivan Demchak, the Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy. According to him, only 75% of winter rapeseed sowing from 1.4 mln ha of initial sowing areas received rapeseed seedlings.

04.11.2009 12:52

Soybeans To See Best Demand Growth In Grains - Goldman

04.11.2009 12:52

Soybeans are expected to see the “lion’s share” of global demand growth for grain in the coming years due to increased meat demand, Jeffrey Currie, head of commodities research at Goldman Sachs, told Dow Jones Newswires Tuesday.

Speaking on the sidelines of the Food Security conference in London, Currie said annual demand growth for soybeans is expected to increase 3.5%, compared with 2.5% for corn and 1% for wheat. “Yields can’t keep up with demand anymore, we’ll have to expand acreage,” said Currie. Demand for grains used for animal feed will drive growing grain demand and soybeans are a key source of protein for meat production, said Currie.

04.11.2009 12:41

China Aims For 2010 Grain Output Capacity Of 500M Tons/Year

04.11.2009 12:41

China’s government said Tuesday it plans to attain grain production capacity of 500 million metric tons in 2010, raising it to 530 million metric tons in 2015 and 550 million metric tons or higher in 2020.

04.11.2009 12:27

India May Import 2M Tons Of Rice Over Next 12 Mos

04.11.2009 12:27

India may import a total of two million metric tons of rice over the next 12 months in phases to meet a possible shortfall after a drought. The imports will start only if a senior group of ministers approves the proposal, put forth by the food ministry, at a meeting scheduled Nov. 12, according to a food ministry document seen by Dow Jones Newswires Tuesday.

04.11.2009 11:40

Ukraine: state company “Zerno Ukrainy” to become the governmental operator of grain exports

04.11.2009 11:40

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine initiates the foundation of the company “Zerno Ukrainy”. To date, several Ministries and departments coordinate the law project, declared Yuri Melnik, the Minister of Agrarian Policy.

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