
18.11.2009 14:32

UAC: Fuel purveyance for the autumn field works

18.11.2009 14:32

“By and large, the situation concerning fuel supply for agrarians has been at least as good in 2009 as it was in 2008”, commented Yevgeniy Orel, Deputy Director General, Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation (UAC). It has been possible to avoid critical disruptions with the fuel supply. In the current year, according to the estimates of Ministry for Agrarian Policy, the estimated technological demand (ETD) for diesel fuel in the agrarian sector amounted to 1.5 million MT, gasoline 0.41 million MT. Of these amounts, the autumn field works required 530,000 and 139,000 MT respectively.

18.11.2009 11:05

Ukraine harvested 44.26 mln tonnes of grains and leguminous plants as of November 2

18.11.2009 11:05

According to the State Committee of Statistics of Ukraine, as of November 2, 2009, agricultural economies of all varieties harvested 44.26 mln tonnes of grains and leguminous plants (including maize) in bunker weight, a decrease of 11.9% compared to the same date of 2008.

18.11.2009 10:19

US Soft Red Winter Wheat Planting Hits Delay, May Drop 20%

18.11.2009 10:19

U.S. producers are expected to reduce plantings of the variety of wheat used to make pastries and snack foods by 18% to 20% from last year due to weather delays and weak cash prices. Last year, producers planted about 8.3 million acres of the variety, soft red winter wheat, which is grown in the central third of the country. Total winter wheat seedings last year were about 43.3 million acres. This year, wet weather that has slowed the U.S. corn and soy harvests has delayed SRW wheat planting. Many producers seed SRW wheat after soybeans in the Midwest and South but could not plant wheat until the soybeans were harvested and the ground dried up.

18.11.2009 10:13

Ukraine Nov 1 Grain Stocks 9% Down On Year At 22.4 Mln Tons

18.11.2009 10:13

Grain stocks in Ukraine on Nov. 1 totaled 22.4 million metric tons, 9% less than on Nov. 1 2008, the state statistics committee reported Tuesday. The stocks included 11.1 million tons of wheat, 5.3 million tons of barley, 3.6 million tons of corn and 800,000 tons of rye.

17.11.2009 10:51

Ukraine said to have the worst track record in the world regarding vat tax refund payments

17.11.2009 10:51

The government of Ukraine is once again holding back the payment of huge sums of value-added tax refunds, for long periods of time, owed to grain exporters and other private companies. Ukraine is reported by many private companies to have the worst track record of any country in the world regarding vat tax refund payments, according to the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC).

17.11.2009 10:28

UN Hunger Summit Vows “Urgent Action”; No New Money

17.11.2009 10:28

The United Nations "Hunger Summit" on Monday vowed “urgent action” to combat food shortages but drew fire for failing to pledge new funds or set a timetable to beat the scourge affecting more than 1 billion people.

17.11.2009 07:44

Oil Rises the Most in Six Weeks on Weaker Dollar, Equity Gain Share Business Exchange

17.11.2009 07:44

Nov. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Crude oil rose the most in six weeks as the dollar weakened and the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index strengthened to a 13-month high, bolstering confidence that the global economy and energy demand are recovering.

16.11.2009 17:00

Authoritative agency F.O. Licht increased the forecast of grain production in the world in 2009/10 MY

16.11.2009 17:00

In own November report, the authoritative agency F.O. Licht (Germany) again increased the forecast of the world production of three main grains (wheat, maize and barley) in 2009/10 MY. At the same time, according to Keith Flury, the leading grain expert of the agency, in the current season grain production volumes will not become a little lower compared to the level of 2008/09 MY.

16.11.2009 14:39

Innovative technologies provide the competitive advantage!

16.11.2009 14:39

It is not a secret that using of innovative process solutions in the fat-and-oil industry provides the undisputed competitive advantage. To date, in the terms of severe competitive struggle on both the domestic and foreign markets, only those companies, which promptly introduce advanced technical and technological concepts, have the best qualitative parameters of own products and the least prime cost of own commodities.

16.11.2009 14:26

Grain export potential of Russia totals 21.3 mln tonnes

16.11.2009 14:26

According to estimations of analysts of APK-Inform Agency, in 2009/10 MY, grain export volumes from Russia will decrease by 1.5 mln tonnes compared to 2008/09 MY, and reach the level of 21.3 mln tonnes. The situation the Russian and world markets of grains, and observed tendency of the reduction of grain export shipment during the first four months of the current MY confirm the forecast. In July-October period of 2009, supplies of Russian grains on the world market reduced by 9% compared to the same period of the previous year and totaled 8.2 mln tonnes as opposed to 9.03 mln tonnes in July-October of 2008.

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