02.12.2009 12:20

Ukraine harvested 47.8 mln tonnes of grains

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02.12.2009 12:20

As of November 30, Ukraine harvested 47.8 mln tonnes of grains, a decrease of 12.2% compared to the same date of 2008, declared the Ministry of Agrarian Policy.

According to data of the Ministry, agrarians harvested grains and leguminous plants throughout 15.3 mln ha, which totaled 99% of the planned areas.

The average yield of the crops in the country totaled 31.2 c/ha as opposed to 35.9% c/ha at the end of November 2008.

Wheat production volumes totaled 31.6 mln tonnes as opposed to 26.7 mln tonnes, rye volumes – 1 mln tonnes, which almost corresponds to he previous year indices, barley – 12.7 mln tonnes against 13.4 mln tonnes in 2008.

According to the renewed balances of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, in 2009, grain harvest will total nearly 46.2 mln tonnes in clean weight as opposed to 53.3 mln tonnes last year.


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