
27.04.2010 16:12

Ukraine Plants Spring Grains On 4.39M Hectares To April 23

27.04.2010 16:12

Ukraine planted spring grains on 4.39 million hectares, or 58% of the planned total area, in the year to April 23, the Agriculture Ministry reported Monday.

27.04.2010 16:05

U.S. Corn, Wheat, Cotton Planting Advance, USDA Says

27.04.2010 16:05

U.S. farmers accelerated planting of the corn crop last week ahead of weekend rain, government data show. Winter-wheat conditions held steady.

27.04.2010 16:03

Soybeans Fall From 3-Month High on Lower U.S. Exports

27.04.2010 16:03

Soybeans fell from a three-month high on signs that importers are slowing shipments from the U.S., the biggest exporter.

27.04.2010 15:45

Sugar Rises Most in Week on U.S. Quota Increase, China Drought

27.04.2010 15:45

Raw sugar rose the most in a week after the U.S. increased its import quota and on speculation that drought in China will curb production and tighten global supplies.

27.04.2010 15:42

Cattle Rise on Signs of Shrinking Feedlot Supplies; Hogs Drop

27.04.2010 15:42

Cattle rose for the fourth time in five sessions after a report showed that U.S. feedlots bought fewer animals than expected in March, signaling reduced supplies of fattened cattle in the future. Hogs declined.

26.04.2010 11:57

VAT “Automatic” Refund: Political Will Needed

26.04.2010 11:57

It takes political will to “automatize” the VAT refund. Also, it takes insignificant, but meaningful, changes in VAT administering which are to “strike the trump cards” from the hands of those who “dally” over refund referring to the interests of the state – deems Sergei Stoianov, Director General, Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation

This country has deviated too far away from the path of civilized countries. We already got used to various disgraceful practices surrounding our daily life. However notorious they might be, our “ways” and logics of our actions, our administering, our judicial proceedings, our daily life (read: “communal economy”) and many-many other aspects of our itsy-bitsy life are not understandable either to an ordinary foreigner, or to “weather-beaten” top-managers of transnational companies with their subsidiaries in many countries of the World.

23.04.2010 00:26

Sugar Drops as Importers Delay Purchases Amid Increasing Output

23.04.2010 00:26

Sugar prices fell the most this week in New York as importers postponed purchases amid signs that production will increase.

23.04.2010 00:23

Soybeans Rises to Three-Month High on China Food-Demand Gains

23.04.2010 00:23

Soybeans rose for a third day, reaching a three-month high, on speculation that China will increase purchases of U.S. supplies to make cooking oil for a growing population and livestock feed to produce pork.

23.04.2010 00:21

Wheat Rises to Seven-Week High as Speculators Unwind Short Bets

23.04.2010 00:21

Wheat rose to a seven-week high, extending this month’s rally, on signs that speculators are unwinding bets on lower prices by buying back futures contracts.

22.04.2010 07:43

Soybeans Jump to Three-Month High, Corn Gains on Chinese Demand

22.04.2010 07:43

Soybeans topped $10 a bushel for the first time since January and corn gained on speculation that China will boost imports from the U.S., the world’s largest shipper of the crops.

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