
10.01.2014 11:36

Ukraine: exports of sunflower seed decreased in 9 times – UAC

10.01.2014 11:36

In September-December of 2013/14 MY Ukraine exported 7.5 thsd tonnes of sunflower seed, a decrease of 9 times compared with the same period last season, declared Sergey Stoyanov, General Director of the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation. According to him, increasing of the competition for raw materials between oilseed processors caused reduction of the export volumes.

12.12.2013 20:53

Open Appeal of AIC Ukraine’s non-government professional organizations

12.12.2013 20:53

The AIC’s non-government professional organizations support execution of an agreement concerning the deep and comprehensive free trade area with the EU. The non-government professional organizations, such as the European Business Association, Agrarian Union of Ukraine, Association of farmers and private landowners of Ukraine, the Ukroliyaprom Association, the Ukrainian Club of Agrarian Business Association,

04.12.2013 16:22

In November Ukraine exported the record volumes of grains and oilseeds – UAC

04.12.2013 16:22

In November 2013 Ukraine exported the record volumes of grains and oilseeds - 4.6 mln tonnes, declared Sergei Stoyanov, General Director of Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation, on December 2. In particular, he noted that grain exports totaled 4.2 mln tonnes, which also became the record, including 3.4 mln tonnes of maize, 650 thsd tonnes of wheat, nearly 100 thsd tonnes of barley.

13.11.2013 14:45

UkrLandFarming plans to supply nearly 750 thsd tonnes of maize to China

13.11.2013 14:45

In the current year the agricultural holding UkrLandFarming plans to make its first supplies of maize to China at the level of nearly 750 thsd tonnes, declared Igor Petrashko, Deputy General Director of the company.He noted that China continues increasing the consumption of meat, so maize in the country is mainly used for feed consumption for further chicken, pork and beef production.

08.11.2013 12:30

You can supply the world with all your riches at a denent price - Morgan Williams

08.11.2013 12:30

Interview By Natalia BILOUSOVA, The Day, Kyiv, Ukraine, Morgan Williams, Director, Government Relations, Washington office, SigmaBleyzer and President of the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC):

The US government has almost finished the certification of Ukrainian grain. What volume of grain will Ukraine be able to export to the US market after this procedure is finished? When, according to your estimations, might it happen?

01.11.2013 12:08

UAC: Record grain harvest stabilized the price of seeds

01.11.2013 12:08

The record grain harvest in the current year will contribute to stabilizing of seed prices for agrarians of Ukraine, informed Leonid Kozachenko, President of Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation. He noted that rice may form the single exception, but the growth of prices for seeds of the grain will be negligible.

01.11.2013 11:56

Ukraine to bring the EU to the position of world leader on grain exports – Kozachenko

01.11.2013 11:56

After Ukraine becomes the associate member of the European Union, the country will be able to bring the EU to the position of the world leader on grain exports, declared Leonid Kozachenko, President of UAC. According to him, the association of Ukraine with the EU will lead to some redistribution of roles on the world grain market, and changing of the world ratings of international grain suppliers.

31.10.2013 09:59

NIBULON plans to increase export to Asian countries

31.10.2013 09:59

The company was visited by managers of Asian companies and holdings interested in corn export performed by NIBULON. At the end of October NIBULON was visited by the managers of Asian companies and holdings, importers of Ukrainian agricultural commodities.

30.10.2013 22:36

The business climate has not changed - Kozachenko comment on Doing Business 2014

30.10.2013 22:36

Ukraine has advanced on the way of improving its business environment, which was reflected in the World Bank's report Doing Business 2014, but the country still have to settle many problems to achieve further progress.

28.10.2013 17:00

In October, Ukraine to export over 3 mln tonnes of grains

28.10.2013 17:00

In October 2013 Ukraine will reach the maximum rates of grain shipments per month - over 3 mln tonnes, which allows to the country to supply the planned volumes of 30 mln tonnes of grains on foreign markets until the end of 2013/14 MY, announced Nikolai Prysiazhniuk, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

He said, since the beginning of July 2013 agrarians already supplied 8.9 mln tonnes of grains on foreign markets, up nearly 8% compared with the last year index for the same period.

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