
08.05.2024 18:16

Floods threaten final stretch of Brazil’s soybean crop

08.05.2024 18:16

Torrential rains have put the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul — the second largest soybean-producing state — in public emergency and are causing crop losses. The accumulated rainfall last week was over 31 inches (~79 cm) with more rain expected this week.

08.05.2024 17:24

Government supports ratification of the Free Trade Agreement between Ukraine and the Republic of Turkey

08.05.2024 17:24

On 7 May, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved a draft law on the ratification of the Free Trade Agreement between Ukraine and the Republic of Turkey. Today’s decision creates the basis for completing domestic procedures for the entry into force of the Agreement. The next step is to submit the draft law for ratification by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

07.05.2024 19:25

Ukrainian Government cancels restrictions on payments for imports of goods and services

07.05.2024 19:25

At its meeting on 7 May, the Government adopted a critical decision to improve the business climate in Ukraine. This was announced by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal.

Thus, Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 153, which limited payments for imports of goods and services, was cancelled.

07.05.2024 17:42

FAO Food Price Index up marginally in April, mostly driven by higher world meat prices

07.05.2024 17:42

The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) stood at 119.1 points in April 2024, up 0.3 points (0.3 percent) from its revised March level, as an increase in the price index for meat and smaller upturns of vegetable oil and cereal indices slightly more than offset decreases in those for sugar and dairy products.

07.05.2024 16:49

Protective measures by the EU regarding Ukrainian food will lead to additional costs and losses, - UAC

07.05.2024 16:49

This is stated in the S&P Global (Commodity Insights) material.

It is noted that the export of grain from Ukraine will fall in MY 2024/25, amid a decrease in supply and a smaller output estimate.

26.04.2024 15:50

Ukraine expects a smaller grain harvest this year, which will have a global impact

26.04.2024 15:50

Ukraine's grain harvest this year will fall by 10% this year, the government estimates, which will be felt around the world, although the restoration of export capacity from Russia-threatened Black Sea ports allows the country to remain a major global supplier.

22.04.2024 09:45

More than 2 million hectares of spring cereals and legumes have already been sown in Ukraine

22.04.2024 09:45

2.053 million hectares of grain and leguminous crops have already been sown on the territory controlled by Ukraine, of which, in particular:

18.04.2024 15:36

Astarta Publishes its 2023 Report

18.04.2024 15:36

For more than two years, Ukrainians, including 512 Astarta employees drafted into the Army, have been fighting for independence of their country at the cost of their lives and defending Europe from the worst aggression since the Second World War. At the same time, Astarta’s team, guided by its values, makes the maximum contribution to nearing Ukraine’s victory.

17.04.2024 16:34

Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food predicts this year’s harvest of grains and oilseeds at about 74 million tonnes

17.04.2024 16:34

ccording to preliminary estimates of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, in 2024, the gross production of grains and oilseeds will be about 74 million tonnes. Of these, about 52.4 million tonnes of grains and 21.7 million tonnes of oilseeds.

16.04.2024 14:19

Commission endorses Ukraine Plan, paving the way for regular payments under the Ukraine Facility

16.04.2024 14:19

Yesterday, April 15, the European Commission has adopted a proposal for a Council Implementing Decision that assesses positively the Ukraine Plan, Ukraine's comprehensive reform and investment strategy for the next four years. This important step paves the way for regular and predictable support to Ukraine under the EU's up to €50 billion Ukraine Facility. Financing under the Facility will help Ukraine to keep its administration running, pay salaries and pensions, provide basic public services, and support recovery and reconstruction while it continues to defend itself against Russia's aggression.

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