29.03.2010 18:00

Ukraine: soybean, peas and maize to become the perspective crops for the sowing campaign

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29.03.2010 18:00

Soybean, peas and maize will become one of the most prospective crops for the spring sowing campaign, declared Viktor Sytnik, the First Vice-President of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences.

According to V.Sytnik, last year, Ukraine reached the first place in Europe at the areas of soybean sowings. Last year, soybean sowing areas in Ukraine totaled 623 thsd ha. The yield totaled 16 c/ha, the production volumes – over 1 mln tonnes. In the terms of introduction of new technologies, the yield will possibly grow to the level of 30-35 c/ha, explained V.Sytnik.

Ukraine also has all opportunities to increase peas sowings. Last year, peas sowing areas were reduced to the level of 300 thsd ha as opposed to 1.5 mln ha in the previous year. Agrarians will also increase maize yield to 45 c/ha with usage of fertilizers and new agricultural technologies. The National Academy of Agrarian Sciences does not recommend to increase sunflower sowings, due to the future decrease of yield indices and worsening of qualitative parameters of sowing areas.

Source: AgriMarket.Info

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