02.01.2018 14:24


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02.01.2018 14:24
What is NIBULON most proud of? What NIBULON’s achievements were the most inspiring for Ukrainians in 2017? What events of the company will forever remain on the pages of our country’s history?

The year 2017 comes to its end. It will stay in our minds forever as the year of great accomplishments and real challenges. We were sympathetic to the fate of our state helping it by our deeds (domestic logistics development, revival of fleet and development of the agrarian sector). 2017 made us more team-oriented, having become a new step in the history of the development of the company. We believe that our achievements will be an important impetus that out country needs today.

We started the year on the wave of achievements. On December 19, 2016, for the first time since Ukraine became independent, the EIB signed a loan agreement at the headquarters of the European Commission in Brussels totaling USD 74 million directly with NIBULON private company, without any guarantees from the state or European banks, but only under NIBULON’s financial obligations, to develop and upgrade the logistics infrastructure in Ukraine. It was an impetus to the company’s fantastic investment project to be implemented in 2017. The company has already built two transshipment terminals on the Dnipro River in Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions, an elevator complex in Svatove town (Luhansk region), enlarged the capacities of the transshipment terminal of “Kozats’ka” branch in Kherson region. Thanks to this, 1,500 builders had jobs at each construction site, and 300 jobs were created; the company continued to implement its shipbuilding program and carried out modernization of NIBULON shipbuilding and repair yard, in particular it put two workshops into operation. NIBULON has started to reconstruct its slipway. This will bring our shipbuilding yard to a new level and will allow the shipbuilders to launch and serve vessels of 140 m. What is NIBULON most proud of? What NIBULON’s achievements were the most inspiring for Ukrainians in 2017? What events of the company will forever remain on the pages of our country’s history? Here are ten greatest achievements of NIBULON in 2017... 

IC UAC http://www.nibulon.com


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