23.09.2009 12:09

Some figures on land relations in Mykolaiv Oblast (Official figures as of August 1, 2009)

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23.09.2009 12:09

At the press-conference on September 17, 2009, the head of Oblast Land Dapartment Mykola Yanchuk informed about the following: Sale of state-owned land. From the beginning of 2009 there were prepared for the sale 74 land parcels of non-agricultural use with the total area of more than 100 ha and value of UAH 23.5 million (USD 2.94 million). In fact there were sold 92 plots with the total area of 130 ha and aggregate value of UAH 31 million (USD 3.875 million). A share of this sum (10%) went to the State Budget and the rest – into local budgets.

Land auctions. Land auctions were held in Mykolaiv, Ochakov, Voznesensk, and three Rayons of the Oblast – Bashtansky, Mykolayvsky and Pervomaysky. At this auction plots were sold at prices varying from UAH 20 thousand to UAH 5.354 million.

Land valuation. There are 920 settlements in the Oblast (cities, towns and villages). Normative valuation of land was completed in 541 settlements. That makes up 58.8% of the total number of settlements while the average Ukraine’s level of normative valuation is 84.7% (nu number of settlements where valuation has been completed).

Outside settlements land of agricultural use has been fully valuated (in 1995); as regards non-agricultural land outside settlements, the valuation thereof has been completed by 15%. The work is going very slowly because of lack of finance (it is estimated that the total cost of the valuation work is UAH 6.7 million).

Land sharing. There are 200483 citizens in the Oblast who gained the right to a land share. Land certificates were issued and handed over to 199657 persons (99.6%). Land titles were issued to 98.4% of the latter.

The total number of contracts for lease of land shares amounts to 147866. Noawadays there is work going to make adjustments to these contracts in order to set up the ground rent at a level 3% of normative valuation min. As of August 1, 2009 there was concluded 139729 additional agreements abou raising of the level of ground rent, and 27792 have already been put into land registry.

Reference information. The total area of land in the Oblast is 2.45855 million ha, out of which 2.01 million ha is land of agricultural use. Forests cover 121.3 thousand ha, 97.3 thousand ha is a built (developed) land. There are active erosion and degradation process in the Oblast. As of January 1, 2009 there are 246.4 thousand ha of degraded and low-yield land.

Source: MyLand

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