18.12.2017 18:06

Portion of winter cereals in good condition is the highest in four years

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18.12.2017 18:06
In the south, according to the Irrigated Farming Institute, winter wheat of early and optimum planting dates after fallow and under irrigation is at the tillering stage with 3-6 tillers per plant. Where sown on October 1-15, winter wheat is at the stage of 2-3 leaves to early tillering.

In the north of Kherson region and locally in its western and central parts the top soil layer (0-20 cm) contained 10-17 mm of productive moisture in winter wheat plantings in early December. This is not enough. The rest of the region had good soil moisture supply at 23-32 mm.

Winter crops are now in the shallow dormancy phase. Their state has not changed since the previous reporting period though slow plant growth was registered over the last two days (December 12-13) as daytime air temperatures exceeded +5°С.

The condition of winter crops is assessed as generally good and fair. In the future it will depend on the current warm spell’s duration and further hydrothermal regime, reports UkrAgroConsult.


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