08.02.2010 13:07

Government of Ukraine approved the Concept of the Program for sustainable development of rural areas

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08.02.2010 13:07

The Government of Ukraine approved the draft Concept of the State Program for Sustainable Development of Rural Areas for the period till 2020. The objectives of the Program are improvement of living standards of rural population, protection of the environment, preservation of natural, labour and production resources and support for the competitiveness of agricultural production.

The Concept points out at the ways and methods for solving problems nowadays existing on rural territories. In particular, it is providing for improvement of living conditions in the country-side by way of introducing higher living standards (similar to European ones). It also mentions development of rural social infrastructure, establishment of municipal enterprises for providing services to citizens, improvement of the living environment of villages, of the level of education in rural schools, development of rural green tourism, organic agriculture, small and medium entrepreneurship and creation of local wholesale and retail agricultural markets.

The Government asserts that implementation of the Program will raise the level of employment as well as income of rural population; improve the quality and accessibility of public utilities and environmental situation in Ukrainian country-side.

The Program is to be funded on account of the state budget and local budgets, private investments as well as with support and facilitation of the international lending institutions.

The draft of the Program itself shall be submitted to the consideration of the Government in three months. The Ministry of Agrarian Policy was made responsible for drafting the Program; other central executive bodies shall assist the Ministry in this task.

Center for Land Reform Policy in Ukraine, 2010
Provided by "My Land"

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