News From Agro-Industrial Complex

20.04.2010 14:50

Ukraine: in 2009, level of profitability of agricultural enterprises of the Crimea totaled 4%

20.04.2010 14:50

In 2009, agricultural enterprises of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Ukraine) received profit on sales of agricultural products and services at the sum of 65.8 mln UAH (8.33 mln USD), with the level of profitability of 4%, a decrease of 8.2% compared to the indices of the previous year, declared the Main department of statistics of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

20.04.2010 11:35

Ukraine Spring Grains Planting 3.72M Ha To Apr 16,Down On Year

20.04.2010 11:35

Ukraine planted spring grains on 3.72 million hectares, or 51% of the planned total area, to April 16, the agriculture ministry reported Monday.

16.04.2010 11:06

Ukraine increased imports of mineral fertilizers by 3.2 times

16.04.2010 11:06

During January-February of 2010, Ukraine increased imports of mineral fertilizers by 3.2 times compared to the same period of 2009 – to the level of 52.5 mln USD, declared the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine.

16.04.2010 11:01

Ukraine April 1 Grain Stocks Fall 26% On Year To 10.2 Mln Tons

16.04.2010 11:01

Grain stocks in Ukraine on April 1 totaled 10.2 million metric tons, which is 26% less than on the year-earlier date, the state statistics committee announced Thursday.

15.04.2010 00:17

Ukraine Spring Grain Planting Slow, Delayed By Inclement Weather

15.04.2010 00:17

Ukraine planted spring grains on 2.6 million hectares, or 62% of the planned total planting area, by April 12 compared with 4.38 million hectares, or 96% of the total planted area by April 12, 2009, the agriculture ministry reported Wednesday.

08.04.2010 13:41

Ukraine Ups Corn,Soy,Beet Planted Areas; Sunflower,Barley Down

08.04.2010 13:41

Ukraine will increase the planted area for corn, soy and beet in this year's harvest, while the sunflower and barley planted area will be smaller, the agriculture ministry said Wednesday.

07.04.2010 13:21

Ukraine: 3.1% of winter crops sowings damaged

07.04.2010 13:21

As of April 1 2010, winter grains sowings in Ukraine were damaged throughout 0.27 mln ha, or nearly 3.1% of the planted areas totaling 8.56 mln ha, informed the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine. At the same time, 14.6% of the general sowing areas, or 1.21 mln ha showed weak and thinned condition and 0.41 mln ha or 4.8% of agricultural crops areas are to be resowed.

It was also stated that 3.3 mln ha of winter grains sowings (39,9%) showed good condition indices, and 3.77 mln ha – satisfactory condition (45.5%).

30.03.2010 15:02

Vice-Prime Minister of Ukraine forecasts resowing of 20-25% of winter crops sowings

30.03.2010 15:02

On March 26, 2010, Viktor Slauta, the Vice-Prime Minister of Ukraine, forecasted resowing of 20-25% of winter crops sowing areas.

30.03.2010 14:23

Agrarians of Ukraine sowed spring crops, grains and leguminous plants throughout 640 thsd ha

30.03.2010 14:23

As of March 29, agrarians of Ukraine sowed spring crops, grains and leguminous plants throughout 640 thsd ha, which totaled 15% of the general forecasted areas, as opposed to 700 thsd ha on the same date of the last year, declared Nikholay Prisyashnuk, the Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine.

29.03.2010 18:00

Ukraine: soybean, peas and maize to become the perspective crops for the sowing campaign

29.03.2010 18:00

Soybean, peas and maize will become one of the most prospective crops for the spring sowing campaign, declared Viktor Sytnik, the First Vice-President of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences.

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