08.01.2019 10:54

Ukrainian agricultural and food exports exceed $17 bln

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08.01.2019 10:54

According to results of 11 months of 2018, domestic agricultural and food exports grew by $621.4 million compared with the corresponding period in 2017 and totaled $17.02 billion.

"According to the results of January-November 2018, the foreign trade turnover of the agro-industrial complex products reached $21.9 billion or 23.1% of Ukraine’s total foreign trade turnover. The domestic agrarian and food exports over this period increased by $621.4 million compared with the corresponding period in 2017 and totaled $17.02 billion," Deputy Agrarian Policy and Food Minister of Ukraine for European Integration Olha Trofimtseva said, the Ministry’s press service reports.

Trofimtseva noted that in 2017, the exports of domestic agricultural and food products hit record high and totaled almost $18 billion.

IC UAC according to UkrAgroConsult

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