13.10.2009 14:31

Ukraine, Russia and Argentina produce over the half of sunflower seed in the world

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13.10.2009 14:31

Ukraine, Russia and Argentina take 53%of the world market of sunflower production (18%, 22% and 13% respectively), declared Vadim Litvinenko, the analyst of the market of oilseeds and by-products of APK-Inform Agency, reporting at the international conference “Oilseeds & Oils 2009” (Turkey). These three countries export nearly 32% of the world exports of sunflower seed.

The world production of sunflower seed in Russia totals 22%, in Ukraine – 19%, in Argentina – 13%,. Ukraine is also one of the world leaders of sunflower oil exports, and exports nearly 40% of the world trading volumes of the product. Argentina exports 28%, Russia – 17% respectively.

According to data of V.Litvinenko, sunflower oil processing volumes in Ukraine total nearly 8.6 mln tonnes per year, in Russia – nearly 9.2 mln tonnes, in Argentina – nearly 8.5 mln tonnes.

According to the expert, these three countries have export restrictions for the oilseed. Ukraine has 13% export duties for sunflower, sunflower seed export duties in Russia total 20%, but not lower than 30 EUR/t, in Argentina – 30% respectively.

V.Litvinenko also presented the study “Sunflower Triangle: Russia, Ukraine and Argentina”, provided by the agency AGRO-T.E.C.E.I. (Argentina) and APK-Inform Agency.

The analytical product will provide the detailed information concerning the influence of the main factors on sunflower seed production in Ukraine, Russia and Argentina, and give the first forecasts of the oilseed production in the following year. Besides, the study will provide the large-scale analysis agro industrial complexes of the countries, especially the markets of sunflower (production, processing exports).

You can become acquainted with more detailed information concerning the study here.

Source: AgriMarket.Info

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