22.09.2009 12:41

Speaker opposses land market, but supports land valuation and land bank

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22.09.2009 12:41

When asked about land and its status in Ukraine's economy, V. Lytvyn said that there should be clarity in this issue. He thinks that those opposing the land market are right. He said that he belonged to those opponents. On other hand, in his opinion Ukrainians with land titiles in their hands are in a position to ask why they are deprived of the right to dispose of the land.

Then he added that it was necessary to complete realistic valuation of land in order to give people information what land costs in a certain place. He proceeded to the idea that in a sutuation when a person has no heirs, the state shall buy the land from such person. This transaction shall be done by the land bank.

In his opinion, land bank shall manage accumulated land and define conditions upon which land may be leased. Lytvyn said that the land bank shall allocate land to those people who already work in agriculture and possess necessary knowledge and experience. They will preserve land and professionally farm it, they will treat land as the most valuable and unrecoverable treasure, he summarized.

Source: www.rada.gov.ua
Translation: MyLand, 2009

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