10.09.2019 13:20

The Newly-Built Ternivska Branch is About to Receive 100 Thousand Tons of Grain

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10.09.2019 13:20

NIBULON’s newly-built Ternivska branch in Vilniansk district (Zaporizhzhia region), which was officially inaugurated on July 2, celebrates two months of operation.

During this short but productive period, the terminal has already received more than 95 thousand tons of grain from local farmers. Consequently, 4,000 trucks didn’t need to drive thousands of kilometers through Zaporizhzhia and the hydroelectric power station dam to the transshipment terminals in Bilenke and Kamianka-Dniprovska or to the Ukrainian port cities, which are 400-450 km away. 

This facility has been loading grain onto water transport for a month. The grain is then delivered to NIBULON’s sea terminal in Mykolaiv city or directly to the outer roads. The terminal has already loaded 24 NIBULON’s non-self-propelled vessels in one month, having transported 34 thousand tons of grain crops by the Ukrainian waterways.

Since the facility’s capacities allow it to receive 300 thousand tons of grain annually, more than 12.5 thousand trucks will be removed from roads every year. Each ton of products transported by water saves state funds on road repairs.

Agrarians from Zaporizhzhia, Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkiv regions, and even some districts in Poltava and Donetsk regions, have already benefited from NIBULON’s new transshipment terminal, the company’s third facility in Zaporizhzhia region. The proximity to agricultural producers and high-quality work organization at the Ternivska branch transshipment terminal enable the farmers to sell agricultural commodities efficiently, making 3-4 trips per day. This provides advantages during the procurement period. Besides, it is economically effective to use the very light-duty trucks as the shipment distance is reduced. Dependence on hired transport is also reduced. Consequently, agricultural producers have an opportunity to achieve considerable cost savings and invest the money thus saved in developing their own facilities.   

IC UAC according to NIBULON


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