17.07.2017 12:08

ASTARTA initiated harvesting of early grain crops

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17.07.2017 12:08

ASTARTA company which is the member of Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation initiated harvesting of early grain crops. Harvesting of early grain crops started from Poltava region and will be followed by farm units in Western regions within a week. 

This year the total area under early grain crops accounts for 55 thousand hectares, including 52 thousand hectares of winter wheat.

«This year weather conditions were challenging, nevertheless according to the proper fertilizing and crop protection technologies more than 75% of our grains are expected to be of high-class quality. It’s far too early to predict the final yields, but we hope they will be close to our budget estimations», - commented Zeljko Erceg, COO of ASTARTA. 


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