© Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation, 2006-2025.
All rights reserved.
European Fund for the development of Ukrainian rural areas, which was founded solely by All-Ukrainian public organization "UAC", is registered in 28 March, 2006.
Mission of the Fund
Creation of comprehensive conditions /facilitation/ for social and economical rural development by providing of necessary financial sources such as privileged banking loans and grants to entrepreneurs /besides agrarian production/ for the consistent with aims of the Fund purposes.
Financing of the activities of the Fund would be performed by raising of funds of non-governmental organizations, in particular, local authorities, rural communities, public unions, and, also, international organizations.
Goal of the Fund
Social and economic revival of rural areas of Ukraine as one of the initial conditions of its successful advance to European Union.
Main tasks of the Fund:
Improvement of the quality of life of rural population, poverty overcoming through creation of favorable conditions for their well-being increase, facilitating of access to socially needed services, gradual approaching of their life conditions to the level of economically developed countries, assuring of competitiveness of rural areas and full realization of their economical potential, public society development.
Generally – social revival of rural areas, overcoming of the poverty of rural population, gradual approaching to the standards of life of economically developed countries.
Areas of activities of the Fund
Forming of social infrastructure of rural areas, assistance to educational and health institutions, business development and employment increase of rural population on basis of effective utilization of natural-resources potential, increase of the role of rural communities in solving problems of social and economic development of their localities. In particular:
European Fund for the development of Ukrainian rural areas,
Saksaganskogo str., 53/80, of.807, Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine
Tel.: +38/044/287-65-66, 284-32-38
e-mail: agroconf@agroconf.org [2]
[1] http://agroconf.org/en/content/agency-investment-and-development-aid
[2] mailto:agroconf@agroconf.org