© Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation, 2006-2025.
All rights reserved.
IARD is a public, non-for-profit and non-governmental organization, which is situated in Kyiv and is a part of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Ukrainian agrarian confederation". Institute is created on the initiative of the members of UAC in year 2003.
Main purpose of the activities of Institute is the development and implementation of new market approaches and methods in the areas of agrarian policy and economics on the state, regional and local levels.
President of the Institute is Kozachenko Leonid, director-Demyanenko Sergiy.
During 2006 Institute performed tasks in the following areas of research:
Research was performed in six areas of agrarian policy in Ukraine: reforming of agriculture state support; development of the market for agricultural lands; encouraging of rural development; decentralization of state administration; rationalization of taxation of agriculture; reforming of regulatory policy in agriculture.
Results of the research were discussed on round tables in the Ministry of agrarian policy of Ukraine, UAC, and working group of the Government of Ukraine in program development "Well-being through agrarian development". Recommendations under results of research were presented to Secretariat of the President of Ukraine, Government of Ukraine, Committee in agrarian policy and land affairs of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ministry of agrarian policy of Ukraine;
Research is performed in cooperation with Latvian state institute of agrarian economy;
From research results the article was prepared "Market of agricultural lands in Ukraine: to permit or to forbid?".
[1] http://agroconf.org/en/content/agency-investment-and-development-aid