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It is not a secret that using of innovative process solutions in the fat-and-oil industry provides the undisputed competitive advantage. To date, in the terms of severe competitive struggle on both the domestic and foreign markets, only those companies, which promptly introduce advanced technical and technological concepts, have the best qualitative parameters of own products and the least prime cost of own commodities.
That is why, the acquaintance with innovative decisions for the fat-and-oil industry is the physical necessity of market participants.
During the conference “Fat-and-oil industry – 2009. Production, processing, marketing” (December 2-4, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Yalta, hotel Palmira Palace), the Research and Production Company Lumex (Russia) will present the report “High-efficiency rapid-response analyzers of rapeseed quality“, the company Harburg-Freudenberger Maschinenbau GmbH – the report “Technology of twofold pressing of oilseeds”, the company Cimbria Sket (Germany) – the report “Modern technology of glycerin distillation (refinement)”.
You can become acquainted with the conference program, conditions of participation, and fill in the application form here [2].
Source: AgriMarket.Info
[1] http://agroconf.org/en/category/news-rubrics/news/news-agro-industrial-complex
[2] http://www.agrimarket.info/conferences/oil2009/