© Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation, 2006-2025.
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In the current year, sunflower harvest in Ukraine will total 6.5-6.6 mln tonnes, as opposed to nearly 6 mln tonnes of the previous forecast, declared Yuri Lusan, the First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, on November 6.
According to him, agrarians harvested sunflower throughout 99% of the planned areas. Such high sunflower harvest will allow to Ukraine to produce nearly 2.5 mln tonnes of sunflower oil in the current marketing year (MY, September-August).
As a reminder, last year, Ukraine harvested 6.53 mln tonnes of sunflower in clean weight as opposed to 4.2 mln tonnes in 2007.
Annual processing oilseed capacities in Ukraine are estimated at the level of 8.25 mln tonnes.
Source: AgriMarket.Info
[1] http://agroconf.org/en/category/news-rubrics/news/news-agro-industrial-complex