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The realization of the governmental policy, which will provide favorable conditions for existence and development of the domestic grain production, which the basis of the agro industrial complex of the country, is main task of the state regulation of the market of grains. To date, the market of grains faces the problem of insufficient development of infrastructure and high infrastructural charges. Russia needs advance development of own infrastructure for the normal functioning of the market of grains.
The support of integration processes is one of the most factors, directed for protection of economic interests of agricultural producers, cooperation and foundation of cooperation on principles of joint ventures and organizations for crediting, purchasing and processing of grains, material and technical supporting and other variates of agricultural service assistance. The clear determination of the procedure of realization of interventions, ratio of rights and obligations of subjects of intervention relations are also one of the most important tasks.
Sergey Suhov, the Deputy director of the Department of food, processing industries, regulation of agricultural food market and quality of products of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, will present his report concerning the above-mentioned factors of state regulation of Russian grain market, during the third international conference “Grain of Russia – 2009” (December 7-10, 2009, at Krasnaya Polyana area, Krasnodar Krai).
Source: AgriMarket.Info
[1] http://agroconf.org/en/category/rubrics/news/world-agrinews