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The Crimea almost completed the autumn field works, declared Pavel Akimov, the Minister of Agrarian Policy of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Ukraine), on November 6. Agrarians sowed winter crops throughout 527 thsd ha for the harvest-2010, or 79% from the planned areas.
The Crimea harvested 19.5 thsd tonnes of sunflower throughout 21.6 thsd ha, with the average yield of 9 c/ha. Agrarians of the Crimea harvested soybean throughout 89% of the planned areas (8.3 thsd ha), the production volumes totaled 21.4 thsd tonnes with the average yield of 25.8 c/ha.
Production volumes of rice totaled nearly 92 thsd tonnes. The yield reached the level of 64.8 c/ha.
Source: AgriMarket.Info
[1] http://agroconf.org/en/category/news-rubrics/news/news-agro-industrial-complex