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In the current year, grain harvest in Ukraine will total nearly 47 mln tonnes, declared Yuri Lusan, the First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, on November 6. Previously, the Minister expected for grain production volumes at the level of 42.9 mln tonnes in clean weight.
According to Y.Lusan, the Ministry increased own estimation of grain production at the expense of late grain volumes. Ukraine almost completed the harvesting campaign of late grains. Agrarians harvested maize throughout 80% of the planned areas, the production volumes totaled nearly 8.5 mln tonnes with the average yield of 49.5 c/ha.
In 2008, Ukraine harvested 53.3 mln tonnes of grains in clean weight.
Source: Agrimarket.Info
[1] http://agroconf.org/en/category/news-rubrics/news/news-agro-industrial-complex