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In 2009, the general production volumes of oilseeds in Ukraine are expected at the level of nearly 9 mln tonnes, including 6.1 mln tonnes of sunflower, 1.89 mln tonnes of rapeseed, 950 thsd tonnes of soybean, declared Stepan Kapshuk, the general director of the association "Ukroliyaprom", during the International conference of oilseeds, vegetable oils and by-products ("Oilseeds & Oils 2009"), taking place in Istanbul (Turkey) on October 12-14.
According to S.Kapshuk, Ukraine gradually increases the sowing areas of oilseeds. In 2009, Ukrianian agrarians sowed 4.16 mln ha of sunflower, 1.4 mln ha of rapeseed, 600 thsd ha of soybean. The general sowing areas totaled over 6 mln ha.
Besides, sunflower was always one of the most important oilseeds, grown in Ukraine. But during recent five years, the market faced the tendency of growing of rapeseed and soybean production. The general trends of demand in vegetable oils on the world markets of vegetable oils due to the growth of oils usage in biofuel production, assist to such situation, marked he.
Source: AgriMarket.Info
[1] http://agroconf.org/en/category/news-rubrics/news/news-agro-industrial-complex