© Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation, 2006-2025.
All rights reserved.
The Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation (UAC) was established as a product of consolidated efforts of the leading national agrarian experts guided by market-based approaches. The aim of this organization is to maintain a sustainable development of Ukrainian agro-industrial complex and promote its integration into the world market.
Founded in December 2002, at the present time UAC unites more than 40 members, among which there are most of the largest professional associations related to the agriculture and food sector, agroholdings, associations representing insurance and banking sectors, etc. In particular, the UAC membership encompasses Ukrainian Grain Association, the Union of Dairy Enterprises of Ukraine, Association of Farmers and Private Land Owners, Ukrainian Vegetable Oil Association, and others. Therefore, UAC represents the interests of over 50,000 business entities with more that 1 million employees. The Oblast (Regional) offices represent UAC in all parts of Ukraine.
The governing bodies of Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation comprise the following: the General Meeting as the supreme steering body, the Coordination Board (Executive Committee) and the Executive Board (General Directorate).
Leonid Kozachenko is the President of UAC. Also, he is the Chairman of the Social Council at the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, Deputy-Chairman of the Social Council at the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, Vice-President of the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, an advisor to the Head of Kyiv City State Administration, and the President of Ukrainian Futures Exchange.
The Confederation combines efforts of the prominent leaders of agro-industrial complex, the most active members of Verkhovna Rada, and of the key experts in various areas of the agriculture and agribusiness in this country.
The primary goals of Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation are:
§ Formation of qualitatively new agrarian policy and development of the concrete steps on reforming domestic agro-industrial complex and development of rural business using the knowledge and experience of domestic and foreign businessmen, scientists and experts in the agrarian market;
§ Creation of the platform for representatives of all branches of agro-industrial complex with the purpose of coordination and formation of the common position;
§ Statement of interests of all subjects of the agrarian market, consolidation of the efforts toward sustainable development of agro-industrial complex;
§ Enhancing the international cooperation, providing support to implementations of the agricultural potential of Ukraine with the purpose of accelerated integration of the Ukrainian agro-industrial sector to the world market;
§ Upgrading the skills of professionals and experts dealing with various issues concerning agriculture and agribusiness, via application of the advanced knowledge and best practices.
UAC is open for cooperation with all public and professional bodies advocating constructive approaches and contributing to economic prosperity of Ukraine. On basis of the consolidated efforts, the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation favors further development of the agro-industrial complex for the sake of prosperity of Ukraine and its people.
[1] http://agroconf.org/en/content/president-all-ukrainian-public-organization-ukrainian-agrarian-confederation